Saturday, November 10, 2007


Here are some photos I took during lunch today, in between bites of seafood sub (honey oat, all salads, no onions, thousand island dressing) - yummy stuff!

Shown below: historic houses turned into busy little souvenir shops at The Rocks, Sydney. I have a penchant for small village type shops - local patisseries, corner and antique shops - exuding all types of smells that bring back old time memories. We have a good collection of quaint little shops in Sydney - head to The Rocks, Surry Hills or Paddington to name a few. (note the use of 'we' in my sentence...yes I love this city : > )

and note below, the door that captured my (heart) and imagination. I love doors (coffee tables, chairs, fences, picture frames, you name it!) like these. There's so much character, peeled layers of history, rustic, earthy, natural, antique-y (I hate to use the word 'distressed'), the interplay of contrasting colours. I'm loving the white here in stark contrast to the natural wooden door. If you're addicted as I am, I'd love to see your photos!


I am guilty of scavenging and refurbishing furnitures. I once turned my perfectly normal dining table into my own piece of art (if one must say so) - i.e. stripping off the paintwork, sanding like there's no tomorrow and then applying the magic touch...voila!. This is probably where my fascination of rustic craftsmanship comes from. If you've ever been to Akira Isogawa's Shop at the Strand Arcade - Oh My! "I heart!, I heart!" that arch-way is simply gorgeous. I was informed it was by the talent of Mr Akira's friend and colleague. I will try and post a photo, if I may : P.

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